Now that we are on the verge of yet another new year - and the start of another decade - I would like to look back to what this year has had to offer. Personally, it was a very fulfilling year and one of dramatic change of life and circumstances.
I started the year with what I would like to call “fire in my belly.” I had felt dissatisfied with the status quo and wanted something “new” and “better” for my family. So we ended up selling everything we owned in Mexico and ventured into an unclear and undefined future.
My initial plan was to work in the Middle East, in particular, Saudi Arabia. Why? The idea was to set on an adventure, a completely new experience and, frankly, some money. But things as usual turn out different from what one has planned, and we have ended up in Vancouver.
In Vancouver, I have found a lot of support from many people, mainly friends and strangers. This post is especially dedicated to all those who have welcomed and have had unwavering faith in us. During this year, I was fortunate to find various satisfying and fulfilling jobs with unbelievably great and wonderful supervisors. I couldn't have wished for more! I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart on this space. Not to forget our great landlady who has also been very welcoming towards us. We appreciate all your help!
This year has also brought about an unusual experience for me, the making and premier of my first (and hopefully not last) short film with my friend and colleague Sylvain along with a wacky upbeat feature-length screenplay. The response to the short film has been very encouraging even if we did not get selected for film festivals. It was again the experience that counts and that sense of accomplishment and a certain satisfaction one feels despite the obvious limitations and shortcomings of a debut project.
Last, but absolutely not least, I want to thank all my cyber space friends and readers who have been interested in my articles! My blog is my pride and joy and despite an extremely busy, at times overwhelming schedule, I have tried my best to keep posting new material. I wish you a happy New Year and lots of success in 2010 and hope to see you around!
Best wishes to everyone! And lots of love!