is so untrue, Billy Joel complains in his song. It does
seem that honesty is lacking in today’s world. No matter where you look, you see that
dishonesty is gaining ground. This is not just limited to celebrities and politicians and the
media circus surrounding them, it is firmly embedded in daily
Its more harmless expression in form of white lies is
socially accepted and in some cases even encouraged. But the problem is that
these smaller feats of dishonesty appear to signal the message that lies are
and ought to be part and parcel of daily interaction and that it is normal and
healthy to do so.
Take for instance, people on a first date. That is the
breeding ground for lies. We lie to impress the other; we hide (lying by
omission) unpleasant facts or details about our lives. Yet in the end, we are
deceiving the other person and - to an extent - ourselves. We show them an image that
does not correspond with our inner reality.
Sooner or later, once this house of cards collapses,
disappointment ensues, and this may be another reason why break-ups are so
common-place. People lie to each other, create false impressions and promises
and are then disappointed once they realize that they had been led on all this
But lies are not limited to our personal lives. They also
invade our professional world. From the onset, we lie on our resumes and CVs.
We omit the unpleasant facts or weaknesses and expand on our assets. When the
interview comes along, we embellish our strengths, lie about - or slyly cover up - our
weaknesses, and in many cases, people claim they have experience and expertise where
none of that is existent or grounded in fact.
The employers, it seems, enjoy getting lied to, and they are - or at least pretend to be - naive in taking all the words at face value. When an
honest person comes along and offers them the truth on a silver platter, they
ignore him and offer the job to somebody else. Modesty is immediately dismissed
as weakness, while lies and gossip are taken as valid truths because that is
what people prefer to hear.
This is not limited only to the interview process but
continues throughout. Those who spread gossip and hide their lack of abilities
by consistently claiming that they are more than qualified and competent, they indeed
end up getting promotions. The ones who quietly work away and who are talented
and competent get the short end of the stick.
This is worrisome from many points of views. First of
all, justice is not served when people get ahead through lies and manipulation;
the carefully groomed appearance and persona do not correspond with the inner
reality. It also means that people will find themselves in positions they
cannot handle in any effective manner. Their decisions are going to be harmful
to others working under them and would lead to the demise of the company
itself. It backfires, but once the employer realizes this, it may be too late
and the damage has already been done.
This is across the board and in a variety of businesses
and practices. Those who are elected to positions also benefit from their inflated
appearance; they lie and smear their rivals and more often than not end up
victorious. They may even be the least competent, but they have the gift of the
gab tied with the ability to lie through their teeth.
The other problem is that this constant concern about
appearance will mold and influence the person, and they will end up losing touch
with their real selves. They will come to believe the role they are playing and
not only lie to others, but also deceive themselves. A culture that values putting
one’s best foot forward and that is concerned with saving face and one’s image ends
up encouraging lies and discouraging truth and honesty.
This is the common complaint about people being phony or
not being genuine. Instead of speaking their mind or showing themselves as who
they are, people like to build fences around themselves, and they stuff them with
commonplace expressions and socially accepted but empty jargon. More often than
not, they will go with the current streams of mainstream opinion and media because
being honest to oneself ironically takes more effort in such an environment.
So yes, Billy Joel is right when he says that honesty is
hard to find and that it is what he needs most from his friend or partner. But
what the singer may perhaps not realize in all of this is the fact that he is
most likely not honest to himself. One needs to take a hard look in the mirror
and face the music about oneself. Some truths are hard to swallow; yet pretending
the negative traits do not exist or turning a blind eye to the unpleasant facts
about oneself is not the solution.
Only if we see the truth about ourselves, the good and
the bad, the weak and the strong can we live a more truthful and more authentic
existence. And once we learn to see ourselves as we are and stop lying to
ourselves, we can open up to those we trust and care about and reveal to
them our true persona in all its colors and splendor. Then we can finally have an honest
relationship. But in a world that turns its back on honesty and authenticity,
that is much harder said than done.