once famously stated that our planet is the best of possible worlds
and that, by extension, life on Earth is the best form there is and
there possibly could be. Well, Leibniz was sharply attacked
thereafter by a host of philosophers and writers on the grounds that
life is not that rosy since there is no shortage of suffering to go
to how we became the way we are, the way we look and the way we
live, there are two distinct proposals. The (more) scientific of the
two we often refer to as the theory of evolution, that life
evolved through a slow mutating process of uncountable trial and
error experiments to give us the shape we are now. It is also linked
with the idea of “survival of the fittest.”
second proposition goes back to the notion that we were created by
a highly intelligent being, generally referred to as God and that it
was His idea and craftsmanship to make us the way we are. I will show
how both views are equally misleading and wrong by looking at my
present physical and medical condition, something others may or may
not identify with.
us start with Intelligent Design. So we were designed by a higher
power that is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. In other words,
we were created by a perfect being who took about seven days (which
are more than seven days for us Earthlings) to make sure everything
is as good as it can be.
there is also what psychologists would call meta-awareness or
-consciousness; in fact, God is checking His own work, while each and
every time He is pleased with what He has done. So this was not a
rushed job, hobby or side-project; He took this quite seriously and
we humans were created in His image, the same way a writer
deliberately delineates and projects her own traits onto the main
course, the original pair of humans rebelled against Him, and
humanity was expelled, kicked and cursed, while death became a
concrete and pending reality. We have been given free will to choose
right from wrong, and evil exists because we choose to stray from the
divine path and so on.
All of this is quite well, but I have a specific
complaint at this point: Why did He make our bodies the way He did? I
mean, like a watchmaker, He is ultimately responsible for the
clockwork, more so than the aforementioned novelist is accountable
for her (fictional) characters.
this point, the problem of evil and the existence of suffering is not
an issue here. I am looking at the fact that He decided to create
physical bodies with physical necessities. We need food to survive,
and we need to watch what we eat, or else our cholesterol will rise
sky high and we can end up not only fat but dead. This body is indeed
so fragile that a fall can break bones or give us concussions that
may lead to brain damage. Our diets and lifestyle can lead to a
number of lethal problems and diseases.
most of the time, we are not even able to multi-task in this
competitive dog-eat-dog world; we get tired quickly and need breaks
and sleep; we make errors more than we are willing to admit (to
ourselves or others). Then we are constantly tempted by fatty foods
that are bad for us; we easily fall prey and can get addicted to
alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. In one word, we are very vulnerable.
question then is this, what is so particularly intelligent
about our design? We cannot fly, for example, but can at best run,
and if we do not exercise regularly, we can't even do that
I am writing this at a time where I need to watch what I eat and make
sure to exercise on a doctor's order, and I think why is all of
this really necessary if we are created by a perfect designer.
am I defending evolution. Supposedly we are the “cream of the
crop,” a process that has selected the best qualities for survival
since predominantly the fittest have been able to pass on their genes
to the next generations, so the same issues apply.
did we not evolve so that we can eat air? Why do we not automatically
absorb unlimited quantities of fat so that there are no obese people?
Since we are evolving and I expect perfecting
ourselves, why not be able to sleep only two hours a day, which would
make us not only more productive, give us more time to make money to
survive, but also, again evolutionary speaking, be able to be on the
lookout for danger because no target is easier to attack than a
sleeping one?
is it that I am not born with muscles already instead of having to
work for them? Or do they mean by fittest that our only manner of
survival is to hit the gym on a regular basis? Why is it not enough
that my forefathers worked out; why can that information not be
passed on to the next generations via gene transference? It seems
rather that we are all starting on square one and are vulnerable from
day one and especially dependent on others for our very survival.
can see that neither view addresses the fact that our bodies are
fraught with pitfalls and weaknesses. I have to limit what I eat and
increase my level of exercise and I often wonder why. Could it be
that both theories are wrong and a third one needs to be proposed?
That our creator is perhaps relishing the fact that we suffer from a
host of issues, including unhealthy diets and lack of activity, since
gluttony and laziness seem more natural states than healthy diets and
hard work?
that this creator enjoys to put us to the test with delicious cakes
and ice cream and pizza and hamburgers knowing full well the damage
we are doing to our bodies and ourselves? Or are we just randomly
thrown onto this plane of existence, into this dog-eat-dog world, just like
Jim Morrison sings, “like a dog without a bone”?
this writing / speculating has made me hungry, so I will have to grab
another snack.
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