Saturday, December 28, 2024

Year-End Reflections: Continuing the Path of Transformation and Healing

Red sunset sky with bay and high-rise buildings
Another year is ending; not much has changed from the outside, and yet this year has been an anomaly in a few ways and manners. 2024 began on one side of the fence, the familiar, the commonplace, the routine, the usual habits, and fears alongside a (long) list of grievances, complaints, wishes, and desires. In short, the usual and the typical push and pull that epitomizes New Year’s Resolutions, the wish and desire factors pinned against the real and practical with the usual suspects and culprits of more joy and less weight topping the good old (wish) list.

In that sense and from that viewpoint, nothing has apparently or effectively changed as life is flowing on the same path: I have not traveled nor switched jobs, I have not received a promotion (if my employer is reading this, please take note and hopefully also some action in this regard), I have yet to go viral or achieve overnight success, and my belly fat is still where it is at. All this time, true love, the one that knocks off your socks and takes you on a thrill ride remains as elusive as it has been since time immemorial.

Although the context and situations may look like they are business as usual, the inner world and the personally experienced emotions and reactions are not. Something has clicked, switched, and moved on a deep level. This has been part of a process that has been continuing and building over a period of years now (you can read about it here), but this year has most definitely accelerated it. When I compare myself to the person I was at the onset of the year, it feels like two different results or versions show up with the latter and updated one being the preferred, better, fitter, happier, and improved version so-to-speak.

It is perhaps the step right before synthesis, which is building upon and going beyond a mere plan, the illustrated map, the vision board, or setting willful intentions. It is like being ready for a trip: passport in hand (something that is only meant metaphorically here because despite good intentions, I have yet to submit the paperwork for my passport application!), with visa requirements and immunization all taken care of and the ticket fully paid for but still not sure where the destination is (or who the traveling companion will be), except that it is going to be an amazing and mind-blowing experience.

Put differently, you have made the gains but have not cashed them in yet; you have an awesome podcast that you have not monetized yet, or, and perhaps my favorite analogy here, you have picked the winning numbers but are yet to claim the grand lottery prize.

Add to this the necessary emotional and mental precursors and prep work that has already been covered and gone into it (i.e., getting rid of previous excess baggage though I am still missing or needing a few more items here and there in my metaphorical luggage) so that I am all in, psyched up and prepared for the giant leap into the unknown. The remaining gap can be somewhat reduced via intuition, a feeling that this or that would be the right thing to do despite not knowing exactly what it is that is heading towards me and/or that I am heading towards, barring that it could all be a matter of wishful thinking (though I fully wish it were not so).

I can only state that something outstanding is about or bound to happen and that I am looking forward to it. This is not only desire, the wish for something to happen and closing your eyes and crossing your fingers for it to appear but it also includes dotting the i’s with the internal and external hard work connected to this type of manifestation.

This is something that I have experienced to some extent in previously expressed wishes (right here on this blog as a matter of fact) that did indeed come true, yet we are talking about a whole different ballgame and arena here. I am going to get into some of the specifics in a bit, but for now, the best way I can explain it is this: you need to first create the necessary inner qualities to be able to materialize what you desire most until it can actually appear in front of you, a kind of master appearing when the student is ready type of scenario.

In terms of relationships, it is about clearing pervious trauma and negative experiences to not only see and feel things more clearly but to be able to take appropriate action and make better decisions from now on and going forward. In terms of jobs, it is not only having the necessary requirements in terms of education, skills, and experience but to round it out with a newly found confidence in yourself with the necessary dose of stamina and resilience.

You must first believe it deep within. It is all about dreaming big and finally being ready to respond to and act upon the given opportunities, to accept the marvelous gifts of the universe without second-guessing yourself or dousing it with feelings of guilt and unworthiness that often lurk in the shadows.

It is being yourself, true to your principles, authentic to your core values while also saying, nay shouting a big and uncompromising YES to life and to the universe. It is a sense of earned entitlement and deserved privilege that you embrace wholeheartedly not only for the good of yourself but by extension for the good of the community and the world around you.

One of the mistakes that many make here is comparing yourself to others. Although it can motivate and drive you and serve as a push to get you off the couch and do something, it is still misguided because they are them and you are you. It is not even a case of apples and oranges: the personalities and situations and circumstances are so different that you cannot possibly compare one with the other.

That said, there are still basic truths and rights that underlie us as humans and spiritual beings that apply to each and everyone. But again, it is more about core similarities than perceived differences. The truth is one and the same, but it is expressed and embodied in different ways and manners.

So much for the aspects of the soul and now a few things I would like to point out in terms of the specifications of how this transformation may be brought about. The main stumbling block is fear in all shapes, sizes, and formats: the fear of being yourself often counter-balanced against the fear of not being yourself, the fear of what others think of you, the fear of missing out and wasting your life, the fear of making a wrong decision, the fear of hurting others versus the fear of being hurt.

This list goes on and is unending, but it can be reduced to a common denominator: insecurity around being and loving yourself combined with concerns around being loved and accepted by others. It is also about lacking faith and confidence in yourself and constantly worrying about what may or may not occur in your life.

This has been my work in progress, but it has felt quite comforting to be able to work certain things out, at least in terms of processing them and clearing obstacles on the path ahead. One of the ways of doing it was also changing certain habits and patterns, that is simply doing things differently or doing different things.

I used to equate the gym with literal hell. I was adamant and stubborn about entering there over my dead body. And I meant it. Yet now, over the past months, I have been going about two or three times a week, and the oddest thing of it all is that I often look forward to it! That one I did not see coming but it helped to release the subconscious holds, brakes, and obstacles, and then be able to move forward more freely.

Another one was to socialize with others. That can be overwhelming but not so much, if you find yourself in groups that you enjoy and that appreciate you. For instance, I have signed up and shown up for regular French group meetings, then added on, a German language club, and it is amazing and magical to immerse yourself in these worlds and spaces and to connect with others without having to travel far and wide.

Not to mention the absolutely wonderful philosophy groups I regularly attend and where a community of like-minded and curious people discuss different topics and issues. It is enriching and stimulating not only because there is something to be learned from each session but to know that deep inside, we are all not that different from each other despite our differences in views, opinions, and philosophies. And yes, that we can get along if we wish to do so.

Finally, I would be amiss not to mention the awesome local writers’ group I began attending at the beginning of the year. I had previously attended a few other groups and had also created and run my own way back, but this one has been a goldmine. What I love about it is that it is a true community that cares about all types of writing and where they offer unflinching support while also delivering at times deliciously blunt and in-your-face (for the most part) constructive criticism. They are partly responsible for me picking up the proverbial pen and writing a few poems as well as a novella over this year.

So these are my reflections for a year that was promising with the promise of an even bigger year to come. It has been great to stimulate and build upon both the body and the mind to improve overall health and wellbeing. Most of all, I am most grateful for this year, which has brought its share of challenges, but also wonderful insights and great moments shared with others alongside a better appreciation of myself.

A Happy New Year to each and every one of you and a big thank you for visiting my blog and checking out my podcast!

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